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Code of Ethics

Temple Judea (TJ) strives to be a safe, welcoming, and sacred community. Through worship, learning, and social justice, we strive to better ourselves, our community, and the world at large. In keeping with our Jewish values, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of personal integrity, social responsibility, and human decency.  We adopt this Code of Ethics to define and hold ourselves accountable to that goal.

This values-based Code of Ethics sets forth the principles and expectations for adherence to standards of conduct, for our clergy, staff, and adult congregants, visitors and guests, whether participating in any TJ activity that is in the building, online or offsite. 

This document is not intended to supersede more specific professional and/or employment-related conduct requirements to which TJ clergy and staff may be subject, including but not limited to the CCAR Ethics Code, Cantors Ethics Code, NATA Ethics Code, employment agreements, handbooks or policies.

As a community, we will implement this Code of Ethics in a manner that balances the principles of midat hadin (justice) and midat harachamim (compassion). We intend for this Code of Ethics to be a “living” document, which we will evaluate considering our experience and update as appropriate.

Exemplify Holiness (K’dushah)

TJ welcomes all who wish to engage in our sacred community.  We expect members to embrace everyone without regard to religious background, age, ability, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, political affiliation or socioeconomic status.  We strive to give all who participate in our community a sense of belonging with the expectation that their ideas and concerns can be openly stated and responded to with respect.

Kindness (Chesed)

TJ asks all in our community to treat others in a manner that elevates humanity.  Hillel once reminded us that we must refrain from acting toward others in a manner that would be shameful to us, so we must refrain from ill treatment of, malicious gossip about, and public embarrassment of others.

Honesty (Yosher)

TJ expects all who engage in our community to conduct themselves in an honest manner. We promote open and honest communication that allows for addressing differences constructively.  We uphold confidentiality, especially as it pertains to personal or private information about congregants, employees, volunteers, and business and financial data for the temple, and do not disclose it without permission. We respect the efforts of others and give credit appropriately for work performed by others. We make decisions regarding synagogue-related matters with transparency, openness and accountability unless confidentiality dictates otherwise.

Honor (Kavod)

TJ values acting with integrity.

Given that dues abatements are made solely on trust, TJ expects members to handle financial matters related to synagogue involvement with complete honesty. 

Compassion (Rachamim)

TJ embraces the fundamental value of performing acts of loving-kindness. (g’milut Chasidim) We expect members to treat others with respect, dignity, fairness, and compassion. We refrain from lashon hara (derogatory speech, gossip, or slander) related to our clergy, staff, or community, whether in person or on social media. TJ does not tolerate bullying, malicious gossip, or slander, including any unwanted behavior that degrades, humiliates, or oppresses another.  Verbal bullying, physical bullying, or cyberbullying is never acceptable.

Justice (Tzedek)

TJ believes everyone participating in our community has the right to feel safe and respected, and that we are morally and ethically responsible for one another (Kol Israel areivim zeh bazeh).  The rights of one do not supersede the rights of another. Further, as a community, we strive to protect those who appear to be the victims of abuse or neglect, including spousal abuse, child abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and other types of domestic violence.  TJ does not tolerate sexual harassment, including any unwelcome advances (comments, bullying, electronic communication, stalking or invasion of privacy).

We encourage and expect compliance with this Code of Ethics, synagogue employment policies and procedures, and applicable laws and regulations. All person involved with the synagogue are encouraged to raise concerns about any potential actions or behaviors not in accord with our Code of Ethics. 

If you have been exposed to, or witness a behavior, that you believe violates this Code of Ethics, please contact TJ’s Executive Director. If you believe that you cannot report this matter to the Executive Director (due to a perceived conflict of interest or another reason), you may report the matter to TJ’s President, Rabbi, or Cantor.

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